Hi Cherri and welcome to our site. As you become familiar with the site you will see that you can post helpful comments or questions regarding any video or forum discussion. You can determine in your personal settings if you want to be notified of new content or when someone responds to a question you post or of a discussion you are following, etc. In other words, you don't have to receive a single notification from this website or you can customize notification settings to your liking. To personalize your email notifications, click on Settings below your name in the upper right portion of the screen just below the menu bar. Then click on EMAIL when you get to the following page. Look over the notification options and determine, mark, and then save your preferences. You can change these anytime you wish. A lot of people like to know each time we write a new article or upload a new recipe video and set their preferences accordingly. Some don't want any emails from this site, and only want to come at their leisure. Have fun using the resources here and let us know if we can be of any help.