Dahl Lentil Soup

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This is an incredibly good tasting and healthful soup; it will also help maintain stable blood-sugar levels, leading to greater long-term satisfaction after your meal. The original recipe. listing ingredient amounts is found on page 170 of Original Fast Foods. As you watch the video, note the one substitution of 2 cups of carrot juice for 2 of the 6 cups of water. That substitution increases the flavor to an extent that any restaurant would be proud to carry it; it is absolutely delicious. Enjoy!

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  • http://allrecipes.com/recipe/easy-garam-masala/

    Make your own garam masala. I already had all the spices and it smells wonderful!

  • Thanks for the link to grocery stories that provide Indian spices and foods!

  • garam masala  go to an east indian grocer prices and quality will be a lot better...there are recipes out there to make your own(this is the practice in india)..you should know that there are as many variations as there are indian grammas...EAST INDIAN GROCERS UTAH   GOOGLE SEARCH GARAM MASALA RECIPES

  • Great suggestion Jennifer--Thanks!
  • Tried this recipe last night. I have to say, it's one of my favorites! I even put a couple of large spoonfuls of the carrot pulp back into the soup right before it was finished cooking. It turned out great! I think I'll put even more next time.
  • If you scoll down the page of the following link, you will see the juicer; if you are interested in it, you canorder during our Grand Opening for the best price I've seen it anywhere. Click Here and then scroll down the page to see the L'Equip XL Juicer. At the top of the page click on the link to open the order from to order any product you see on this page, including the juicer.
  • what kind of juicer did you use?
  • Garum masala can be found in any grocery store in the spice section; we have really enjoyed the Spice Hunter brand, although I'm sure there are many other fine brands available. In Utah Valley, we can get this spice at Maceys, Albertsons, Good Earth, and so forth. It's a common spice.
  • Where do you get the garam masala? I have looked for it before and can't seem to find it.
  • If you saute the onions and celery in a bit of the cooking water over very low heat until the onions begin to brown before adding the rest of the ingredients. It will enhance the flavor and eliminate the need for boullion. I never use it and cook bean based soups almost daily.
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