Energy Mix

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Combine whole wheat, and choice of nuts and seeds; soak 24 hours, then rinse we and allow to sit in strainer for 24 hours, rinsing occaisionally. Combine figs, dates, and raisins and soak for 3 hours; then rinse and add to grains, nuts, and seed mix. This can be added as is to apple sauce or any of our salad dressings, or you can chop to desired consistency in a food processor or with a knife, before adding to apple sauce or dressing. Keep refrigerated and mixed into something, as described above, or it will go sour after just a few days. Inside dressing or apple sauce it remains good indefinitely.

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  • Jinger,

    An "S" blade is one of the interchangeable blades and discs used in a food processor. Where discs common uses are for slicing, grating, and juilienning, the general purpose for blades are to chop, pulverize, mince, puree, blend, etc., depending on how long you "process" the food.

    It is called an "S" blade, because the shape of the actual blade is somewhat like the letter S. There are usually two different types of "S" blades -- one stainless steel and the other plastic. The metal is a multi-purpose blade, whereas the plastic is used for doughs. For a nice picture of an "S" blade, go to this site:

    For most food processor models, the "S" blade is removable, fitting in the bottom of the food processor bowl, whereas the slicing or grating discs are fitted up higher, closer to the mouth of the chute opening.

    They are a wonderful tool in the kitchen! For the Energy Mix, it replaces chopping with a knife, keeping everything nicely contained in the bowl of the food processor. But, if a knife is all you have, then it works also, giving the cook a nice forearm and bicep workout and the chance to burn a couple of extra calories. *grin*

  • Also, what is an S blade?
  • When you soak and sprout wheat and other grains, does it have the same arthritic effect on humans?
  • Energy Mix was the first thing I invented back in 2000 to add more caloires to my raw salads. It helped to provide a bit more energy-building ingredients to my all-raw meals that I was eating. I found that soaked wheat is neutral in flavor and makes an easy addition to many things including fruit and vegetable salads. Many people have loved including this in applesauce, and I found have found that it preserves best when it is completely covered in water, applesauce, or any of the various salad dressings we make. For example, it is an excellent addition to the Thai Peanut dressing that is a part of the Oriental Salad on Page 126 of Original Fast Foods. It's a good food-storage recipe too. Best!
  • I'm not sure what this recipe is for. Would be good as a breakfast cereal??? Whatever you think it reminds me of muesli.
  • I can vouch for this recipe. It is SO good. Thanks for sharing the video. When I made the recipe the first time, I soaked the fruit with the grains and seeds for 24 hrs. and the fruits were a little too "mushy" for my taste. I'll try it this way next time. I also add pumpkin seeds and walnuts. YUMM! And it's delicious with applesauce-a great quick breakfast.
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