Pulse Mix

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These sprouts are lovely over salads, eaten plain, or added during the final stages of soup/stew making.

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  • It may be purchased at the Bosch Kitchen Center or online. It is called The Live Sprouter.
  • Where can I buy the sprouter you used in your video?  I also would like to know where you get the seeds.  Thanks in advance for all the great information!
  • I would like to pair my question with Connie McVey's: WHERE do you get your seeds? I've been getting mine from Good Earth and haven't had the best luck. Thanks in advance for your help.
  • Our son Joseph did a science project this year that compared the growth of sprouts when sprouted in various kinds of sprouters. He used mason jars, burlap bags, and several name brands. This sprouter not only came out on top, but the size of the leaves grew twice the size of all other sprout that he sprouted with other methods. This sprouter creates a bit of a green-house effect, and the water circulates off and on all day long. It's pretty slick, although you do want to change your water daily.
  • This does not have anything to do with these videos. My freind wrote to me that she has gone to many doctors to find out why she has gas. I looked in your Original Fast Foods but it was not listed in the back. I remember you touching on this subject at the Bosch bread class on 9849 So 7TH East. Could you write something about what I could send my friend and possible help her with her problem. Jennie Giles
  • How long do the sprouts store?
  • where did you get the cooler strainer?
  • This website http://www.wheatgrasskits.com/sprouting/sprouters.htm?gclid=CKOVpOf... has several choices for sprouters including the one she is using
  • You said to pull the sprouts off your tray and rinse they before you eat them. Do they really need to be rinsed? Why?
  • Could you please tell us more about your spouter, have you have compared several? This looks like a great one with the watering system. Where could I buy one? Also, where is the best place to purchase the spouting mix? I have used one in the past, yet some of the items didn't sprout, so some did and the others got a bit "icky"
    Thanks in advance, CHM
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