I'm sorry; as we've changed the site to be easier to follow things more naturally, I've included the kitchen challenges directly within the video drop-down menu (drinks, dressings, salads, soups and veggies, properly prepared grains, fun extras like desserts and snacks, and animal-based food education. You are encouraged to discover simple and healthful recipes within each of these topics that you and your family enjoys. That is what Kitchen Challenges are about, to lay a foundation, one challenge at a time. We are working on a re-write of Daniel's Challenge presently, but at the bottom of the Quick-start article that is found in the drop-down menus below Daniel's Challenge on the navigational bar, you will find a link to Daniel's Challenge in an abbreviated version.
Many of the recipes are the same; there are a few that were left out of the 2nd edition and several more added, plus we changed some of the recipes a bit.
It sounds like you purchased the first edition. I'm not exactly sure how Amazon is selling these; I have never sold the book on Amazon and am unsure of how they are selling my book. There are some significant differences in the book, especially when you sit down and read from start to finish; however, I wrote both of them, just a few years apart. The database of science on this subject doubles nearly every three years; it's hard not to want to put out new editions from time to time that reflect an evolution of understanding and experience on this subject. Jim
Hey A Clark, It looks like you live in New York ? The Bountiful Group may not be your closest support group ...... giggle... so I didn't add you.