Honey Crisp Crackers

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Made from sprouted buckwheat, flaxseed, sesame seeds, honey, and spices. So easy to make. Enrich with a little vanilla. Enjoy! Recipe details included in the book Original Fast Foods.

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  • Rebecca, were you able to find teflex sheets? If not, I believe you can order them from Excaliber for use in their dehydrators.
  • Where do I buy teflex sheets?
  • If you do not have a dehydrator, you can spread them out on a sprayed cookie sheet and bake them slowly at the lowest temperature possible with your oven.
  • How do I make these if I don't have a dehydrator?
  • I'm really enjoy seeing Collen demonstrate all the recipes. If you didn't have the videos I wouldn't be nearly brave enough to try them on my own These crackers look like something I could give my husband and he would actually eat. Thanks!!!
  • Am so looking forward to making these's crackers and your bread and so many of your recipes i love what i have tryed so far. can you tell me about the gift coupon.what i need to do to get one?
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