Raw Oatmeal Cookies

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These raw cookies are simple to make and have been described as wickedly delicious. Our children love to keep them in their lockers at school and to keep around as a quick, satisfying snack. Enjoy! This recipe is found on page 143 of Original Fast Foods.

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  • Raw Oatmeal Cookies: I agree with Ruth Ann Holloway' s Yummy and add another Yummy for her tips of March 2010.  Although I am new to all of this and have not tried the raw oatmeal cookie receipe, it all sounds wonderful.  What is the difference between a processor vs. a blender?  Where are food processors purchased?  What qualitites should one look for in a purchasing a processor? Mary Kaye

  • Sure, we've made them with a variety of fruits and juices, pineapple, apricot, apple, and so forth.
  • Would apple juice work with these cookies?
  • To initiate a sprout you would want to soak for 24 hours and then allow them to sit in a colander for another 24 hours, rinsing the oats two or three times during 24 hour sprout cycle.
  • I have been soaking my oat groats over night in water.....Than the next day i pour the water off and add new water just about 1/2 inch above the oats set it on the stove top and bring to a good boil than i take it off the stove and put a lid on it and let it sit and cook by itself.
    Dose this sound like it had time to sprout????
  • As a raw food & sprout "newbie," can someone please explain how to sprout and dry the oat groats before grinding them into oat flour?
  • For Maureen: Sun flower seeds would be probably better than the peanut. I don't know why you couldn't do a combination. Raw foods seem to be versatile!
  • If you do not have a dehydrator, you can set your oven to its lowest setting (ours can be set at 100 degrees) and place them in the oven; although, a dehydrator does a better job because it circulates the air. In the summer you can use those really nifty hanging pantries (The Food PANtrie). They come with dehydrator trays, a net that keeps the bugs out, and a hook to hang the setup outside where it can be exposed to the sun and the wind. Jim
  • Thank you Ruth Ann, I never thought of adding pumpkin seeds, I guess I have to learn to think" outside of the box", would other seeds like sunflower, or even peanuts work, also?
  • If you don't have a dehydrator, can you still make these? What do you do to "bake" them?
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