This drink tastes wonderful and is high in vitamins A, E, and K; it is also high in omega-3 fatty acids and zinc, each of which enhance immunity. Enjoy! Ingredients: 1. 3 cups apple juice, freshly juiced 2. 1.5 cups carrot juice 3. 8 oz Napa Cabbage 4. 8 oz Spinach 5. 2 Tbsp flax seed Instructions: after juicing apples and carrots, add one cup of juice to blender and blend the flax seed; then add two more cups of juice and blend all leafy greens; finally, add remaining juice and mix slowly. Enjoy!
Immune Builder Green Drink
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1. Drinks and raw fruits and vegetables
2. Dressings
3. Satiating Salads
4. Vegetable and Vegetable Pulse Dishes
5. Properly Prepared Grains
6. Fun Extras
7. A Sparing Use of Meat
To look through these you can either browse all the videos at once, or when you select any video from any of the seven categories, you can click on its tag below the video that begins with dckc. That will bring up all videos in that category. Look through them and see if any of the examples look as if they would be hits with your family. You don't have to learn all recipes in each category, but it is helpful to learn an enjoyable variety in each category that your family likes. Don't force it on them; just seek to discover healthful choices that you can realy enjoy together. Not all recipes will work for you, but many will. Be sure to read Original Fast Foods and the downloadable version of Daniel's Challenge to better understand. You don't want to resort to constraint or you will have a rebellion on your hands. I have children ranging from four to 27. All of them enjoy eating at home, but first we came to understand the principle of a healthful diet, and then we learned a sufficient variety of healthful recipes to support the pattern of eating we now enjoy. Look at the comments others have left who have successfully made a recipe to give you even more ideas. Jim
Thanks, Shari